Articles and Information Booklets
Fun With Sounds: Strategies for Developing Pre-Schooler Literacy Skills Based on the Science of the Reading Brain by Rosemary Ruthven (Click here)
What is Dyslexia? - Summary of IDA Readings by Rosemary Ruthven (Click here)
Dyslexia Facts - IDA publication (Click here)
IDA on the Brain and Reading - IDA website (Click here)
Spelling - Just the Facts - IDA (Click here)
The Basics of Child Development by Amanda Morin (Click here)
Essential Components of Early Reading Instruction by Rosemary Ruthven (Click here)
Choosing APPS and Software by Rosemary Ruthven (Click here)
The Way We teach most children to Read Sets Them up to Fail by Alison Clarke (Click here)
10 Tips to Help Your Child Get Organised by Lexi Walters Wright (Click here)
Helping People with Dyslexia: A National Action Agenda (Click here)
Why Reading is Not a Natural Process by G. Reid Lyon (Click here)
Put Reading First Kindergarten Through Grade 3 - National Institute for Literacy USA (Click here)
The Jim Rose Report - Identifying and Teaching Children and Young People with Dyslexia and Literacy Difficulties: An Independent Study by Jim Rose UK (Click here)
Teaching Reading: National Inquiry 2005 - Australian Dept. Ed. (Click here)
Dyslexia in the Classroom: What Every Teacher Should Know - IDA publication (Click here)
Reading Recovery is Not an Appropriate Intervention Programme by Rick Morton (Click here)
You Only Need to be Good at One Thing by Ron James (Click here)
Five from Five - We Can End the Reading Wars by Jennifer Buckingham (Click here)
Informative Books
Proust and the Squid: The Story and Science of the Reading Brain
by Maryanne Wolf
Overcoming Dyslexia A New and Complete Science-Based Program for Reading Problems at Any Level
by Sally Shaywitz
Documentaries About Dyslexia
The Big Picture
Rethinking Dyslexia - James Redford 2012
Journey Into Dyslexia
Alan and Susan Raymond 2011 HBO
Outside the Square
Tanya Forbes 2015
Visability Audio Library Services
If your child has been diagnosed with Dyslexia or Irlen Syndrome, download the registration form from Visability. Complete the form and get it signed by your child’s Reading Specialist or Educational Psychologist and return it to the organisation.
PO Box 101
Victoria Park
WA 6101

Psychologist Specialising in Dyslexia
Dr. Alistair Howitt Marshall
Terrigal, Central Coast NSW
M: 0408105304
Useful Websites & Links
Australian Dyslexia Association
International Dyslexia Association
British Dyslexia Association
Understood: for Learning and Attention Issues
Dyslexia Simulation - Web Coder, Victor Widell
Sounds in the Australian Vernacular- Rosemary Ruthven
Irlen International
Irlen Australia
Irlen Syndrome: A Teen’s Summary by- David Accola
Irlen and Prosopagnosia
Components of an Evaluation of a Child with Reading Issues/Dyslexia by Matthew M. Cruger, clinical psychologist and senior director of the Learning and Development Center at the Child Mind Institute
Dyslexia Explained: What It’s Like Being Dyslexic? Nessy Fingers Learning Project on Dyslexia